My Personal Philosophy in regards to technology integration in education

   Technology integration in my opinion is a very smart and efficient way to bring across concepts in the classroom since we are living in a world where technology is the order of the day. Classmates, do you remember a few years ago teachers in particular had a choice of whether they wanted to integrate technology or not? All this changed as the Covid 19 pandemic has forced the use of technology upon us. Today we use technology 95% of the time to properly do assignments and we are also involved in online classes. 

   From birth majority of children are given tablets where they play games whether it be educational or not. Remember classmates Vygotsky spoke on the theory of situated cognition which speaks on knowledge is situated in activity bound to social, cultural and physical contexts. Now with such knowledge isn't it difficult to not integrate technology in education when learners are already accustomed to it? 

    From my personal observations with young family members, I have found out that in using these technological devices they are exposed to some games and cartoons. Children emulate these characters by talking like them. In this case I believe it helps students to meet the target language (SJE) which will aid in them excelling in National Exams. 

     My goal is to become more knowledgeable about technology so that I'll be able to utilize it effectively in education. One would agree that technology integration in the classroom or education is the way to go. 


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