What is Learning? Is it a permanent change in behaviour and understanding? Is it a process?

According to Berkeley 2021, learning can be explained as the "- process of engaging and manipulating objects, experiences, and conversations in order to build mental models of the world (Dewey, 1938; Piaget, 1964; Vygotsky, 1986)." He further stated that " learners build knowledge as they explore the world around them, observe and interact with phenomena, converse and engage with others, and make connections between new ideas and prior understandings." With such knowledge it is believed that learning is indeed a process where individuals experiences change in perception permanently. For instance, a child sees a mirror for the first time, the child does not know what it is used for and so they touch it, move it and also observe it. Later this child will realize how it is used by the people around him/her. Upon hearing "mirror" the child's interpretation of a mirror is evolved through the experiences the child had with the mirror. With that been said this scenario is a permanent process as the child will surely forever understand the perception of the mirror and never see the mirror as an foreign object. Hence, confirming that learning is a process that fosters permanent changes in behaviour and understanding. References Berkeley. (2021). What is Learning? Retreived from:What is Learning? | Center for Teaching & Learning (berkeley.edu)


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