
Reflection for the course Educational Technology

I must say that in doing the course Educational Technology I have acquired valuable information that will aid in me been an effective teacher when it comes onto presenting educational information to my students. Before this course I was not aware of many things such as the different ways to integrate technology in daily lessons and other subject areas. I only viewed technology as subject and not a methodology. In addition, I must stay this course has helped me especially since we are now in a pandemic which mostly allows for the use of technology for online school. In doing this course I got the opportunity to learn how to create different computer-based instructional support tools which will aid in the effective transfer of information to students. These support tools include wikis, podcast, web quest, digital storytelling, interactive PowerPoint and even blogs. I had no idea these tools even existed and I must mention, creating these tools were very exciting and interest

Assure Lesson Plan

ASSURE Model Lesson Plan - Living Things Subject: Science Title of Lesson: Living Things Duration: 30 Minutes ANALYZE LEARNERS General Characteristic Number of Students: 17 Grade Level: Grade 4 Gender: 16 girls, 1 boys Age Range: 9- 10 years old Cultural/Ethnic/or other types of Diversity: 17 Jamaicans Prior Knowledge: Basic knowledge on living things Prior skills: Observation, experimenting, using word processer, using a keyboard. Learning Style In this classroom four (4) of the students are visual learners, six (6) of them are auditory learners and seven (7) of them are kinesthetic learners. OBJECTIVES Audience: In this classroom students learn visually, auditory and kinaesthetically. Behaviour: By the end of the lesson students should be able to: · Clearly define what are living and non-living things · Briefly give examples of living and non-living things · State the characteristics of living things · Working coope

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My Wiki Link


What is Learning? Is it a permanent change in behaviour and understanding? Is it a process?

According to Berkeley 2021, learning can be explained as the "- process of engaging and manipulating objects, experiences, and conversations in order to build mental models of the world (Dewey, 1938; Piaget, 1964; Vygotsky, 1986)." He further stated that " learners build knowledge as they explore the world around them, observe and interact with phenomena, converse and engage with others, and make connections between new ideas and prior understandings." With such knowledge it is believed that learning is indeed a process where individuals experiences change in perception permanently. For instance, a child sees a mirror for the first time, the child does not know what it is used for and so they touch it, move it and also observe it. Later this child will realize how it is used by the people around him/her. Upon hearing "mirror" the child's interpretation of a mirror is evolved through the experiences the child had with the mirror. With that been sa

Web Based Instructional Support Tools (Effectiveness, Advantages and Disadvantages)

When one speaks about web-based instruction we speak about interaction/learning through different internet/ online based platforms such as Edmodo and Thinglink among others. In todays' world it is believed that the concept web based instructional support tools are indeed effective. This notation can be supported by research cited in an online article. In continuning, this article postulated that the World Wide Web can be used to provide instruction and support. Also they further went on to say that web based instructional support tool gives learners matchless access to educational rseources far surpassing that of the traditional classroom. I do agree with this notation as this allows for more engagement and interaction due to the fact that we are living in a era where technology is of utmost importance. Two web based instructional tools are Edmodo and Thinglink. Now classmates, I know you are all curious as to know what these two instructional tools are about. Well Edmodo

Issues Regarding Equitable Access with the Use of Technology in Education

According to GoGuardian (2020), equitable access can be explained as the ability of students having access to technology and information regardless or despite their ethnicity, soci-economic status, age, physical ability or any other quality. Furthermore access to technology is not limited to devices and connectivity to students but it also incorporates the assurance that students have the opportunity to learn from teachers. Equitable access like any other subject matter incorporates issues. Four major issues of this subject matter include: 1.Geographical location poses a major issue since some persons reside in some communities where it is almost impossible for them to connect to the internet. Also there are some areas where electricity has not yet been born. 2.Some students may not have it financially to purchase devices such as laptops. Also students may find it difficult to purchase data plans to access the interent 3.Limited hardware and software may pose an is